Mar 16, 2009


Empry Bowls Dinner
Friday, 13th March 2009, Virginia Wesleyan College
Organized by

Ceramic Designers Association

Pottery wheel presentation by VWC Art Proffesor, Philip Guilfoyle.

The bowl room holds dozens of tables topped with hundreds of bowls.

The first group was let into the room.

It was a treasure hunt with people grabbing a bowl, changing for another one then replacing it with one that they like better and so forth ...

...until they made their final decision.

After the quests selected their bowls, food was served by CDA memers Judy and Bill Nelligar .

There was live musical entertainment during dinner.

Silet auction - Guests bid on artwork donated by local artist.

More photos

The Ceramic Designers Association raised aprox. $17,000.

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